The Bible is full of legendary stories that sometimes appear to be larger than life. These stories about real people who faced enormous trials and experienced tremendous victories also teach us everyday truths that can impact our own daily lives. As we look into the lives of some of these people, we’ll discover eternal truths that can help us remain faithful in the midst of our own difficult circumstances and trials. What we learn from their stories can help us to build legendary lives today! Throughout this series, check back each week for a new devotional that will help you further explore what the Bible has to say.

Friends for Life!

For June 26th

Read 1 Samuel 20:1-42

David and Jonathan’s friendship is perhaps the most beautiful picture of honoring God and loving our neighbor as ourselves. I’m drawn to the verse in the Bible in the book of Philippians 2:3-4 ~ Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather in humility value others above yourselves, not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interest of others.

There is a supernatural beauty that permeates through this friendship. Indeed, it is two people who have set their affections on honoring God above all else. It is two people who are not looking to advance their own agendas; rather they submit to one another out of reverence for God. I see two men who see God in each other. My question would be, what happened when Jonathan’s heart became “knotted” to David. I believe Jonathan saw God in David. He saw a young man who feared no one but God. He honored all, but feared none.

Jonathan was next in line for the throne. He had power and position. He lacked nothing. Or so it seems. Often those very things keep authentic relationships away. I’m sure Jonathan was surrounded by many people who vied for his attention. Many who came around to see how they could benefit from him. It’s a lonely place really. I’m sure he longed for a friend. A true companion. I can’t help but to think of the awe and wonder he experienced when he saw shepherd boy David come in carrying Goliath’s head. I’m sure the thoughts that ran through his mind were something like this, “Why would he do this?” “I need to be friends with this guy,” ‘Where does he get his strength?” Or perhaps it was more like this, “He knows God," “He trusts in God," “This is truly God’s anointed."

I believe Jonathan knew at that very moment that David was God’s anointed. Jonathan and David loved God. If this story teaches us anything it is that two cannot walk together if they are not in one accord. It teaches us that our friends will either lead us to victory or lead us to defeat. There is an old saying that most of us know, “Show me your friends and I’ll show you your future." I believe that. I believe the company we keep impacts our life. It will either be for better or for worse.

David's and Jonathan’s lives were aligned to God’s purposes and plans. They were two men that sought to honor God above all else. Above family, above titles, above power, above the status quo, etc. They could trust that no matter what would come their way, they would obey God and honor their covenant between God and their friendship. This is a powerhouse story of choosing your friends wisely. David’s life was in danger. Literally life or death. He had to trust that the King’s son would not betray him. How could he know that Jonathan would not betray him? How can we know that our friends will be God-friends? How can we know that we are being led wisely?

The answer is simple:

  1. God-given friendships will move you closer to God.
  2. God-given friendships will always apply God's Word above their opinions.
  3. God-given friendships will not be self-seeking.
  4. God-given friendships will have lasting and frutiful results.
  5. God given friendships will refresh your soul.

Maybe you are in a season in your life right now where you can honestly say, “I don’t think I have any God-given friendships.” You’ve had a difficult time trusting people. Or maybe the friends you thought were your friends turned out not to be as loyal as you had hoped for. First, I want to encourage you to fall in love with Jesus. Let Jesus be your best friend. I promise you, He will never disappoint you. Second, I am going to ask you to begin to pray for God-given friendships. The Lord hears you and sees you and will send you exactly what you need. Third, be a God-given friend. Self-reflection is so important. Lord, how have I been doing at being a God-friend? Would others consider me a godly friend who moves them closer to their relationship with God? Do I pray, encourage, and support others?

And last but certainly not least, remember there are seasons in our lives. Sometimes we need lots of friends and sometimes we need “inner circle” friends. Jesus had twelve but He really had three friends in His inner circle. And that’s okay! What matters is that we are leading others closer to God and our friends are leading us closer to God. Remember you will always need people in your life. God has created us that way. Don’t ever underestimate the power of a God-given friendship. Learn to pray and identify those who inspire you to grow deep in your relationship with God. Above all else, always remember that God is your forever friend. You are never alone. He will never leave you or forsake you!

I can’t help but to be reminded of a popular song I grew up with, and I love the lyrics - "Friends" by Michael W. Smith. It’s an oldie but goodie. It’s an encouragement that as long as God is at the center ~ we can have God-given friendships that will cheer our hearts and bless our lives! You can check it out here.

Scripture References: 1 Samuel 18:1-4
1 Samuel 20:1-42
Philippians 2:3-4
Amos 3:3
Deuteronomy 31:6
Reflection Questions: What season am I in right now? Does it seem more like a desert season where God is drawing me closer to Him and desiring more of my attention and less distractions? If so remember that time with God is invaluable.
Whose voice seems to be loudest in my life? Why?
What would it look like if I silenced the distractions and spent more time with my best friend Jesus?
In what areas of my life right now do I need to allow Jesus to heal me from any past friendships or relationships?
Going forward how will I make better decisions about the friendships that I choose?
Prayer Prompt: Dear Jesus, I want to be more like you each day. I want to live out your sacrificial, selfless love with the world and those you have entrusted to me. I want to be a God-friend, one who honors you above all else and encourages others to do the same. Lord, would you give me God-friendships and help me to be that God-friend? Would you help me to identify in my life the things that affect my relationships? I want to live for you and be counted among the loyal, selfless, and trustworthy. I want to reflect you, Lord. Not holding anything back but loving with purity of heart as I seek to honor you. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen!