Have you ever felt overlooked or marginalized? Maybe it was because of your position, or age, or abilities or lack thereof. I think we’ve all felt the sting of being in a situation where we know we can contribute and lead, but for whatever reason we were not allowed to do so.
Check out this excerpt from pg. 3 of A Tale of Three Kings: A Study in Brokenness by Gene Edwards:
“The youngest son of any family bears two distinctions: He is considered to be both spoiled and uninformed. Usually little is expected of him. Inevitably, he displays fewer characteristics of leadership than the other children in the family. As a child, he never leads. He only follows, for he has no one younger on whom to practice leadership.
So it is today. And so it was three thousand years ago in a village of Bethlehem, in a family of eight boys. The first of the seven sons of Jesse worked near their father’s farm. The youngest was sent on treks into the mountains to graze the family’s small flock of sheep.”
The young man the author is referring to of course is none other than David. Yes that David; as in David and Goliath, King David, man after God’s heart David, shepherd boy turned King David. It is that last title where I’d like us to sit for a moment today. Shepherd boy turned king.
David was a teenager, the youngest of seven sons, a shepherd always relegated to whatever the worst menial task would be in taking care of the sheep. In fact, on the day the Prophet showed up and anointed the next king of Israel, his father Jesse didn’t even think to call him in. Surely it couldn’t be David. He’s the youngest. The family would be better served if he stayed out in the fields with the sheep while the prophet selected the next king…but that’s not how the story goes. You can read it in 1 Samuel 16. David IS selected and anointed as the next King of Israel - God’s choice for king.
What happens next is what baffles my mind. You see, David is anointed to be the next king of Israel and what’s the first thing he does? He goes BACK out into the field and continues to tend to his father’s sheep. In fact, it would be years until he would face Goliath, and years after that until he would be crowned King so what was he doing? GOD was getting him ready.
You see, when he was out in the field, he played his harp, writing songs to the God who he already had a close relationship with. He was learning to LISTEN to His voice. He was worshiping in the waiting.
So what does your next season look like? What are you doing in the waiting? Maybe take a cue from David and worship in the waiting while God prepares you for what He has prepared for you.